Joint Replacement
Knee replacement is a condition which is also known as total knee replacement or knee arthroplasty, this is a surgical procedure to resurface a knee which is damaged by arthritis. Plastic and metal parts are being used in this procedure/surgery to cap the ends of the bones to form the knee joint, along with the kneecap. This Procedure/surgery is also useful for someone who has severe arthritis or a severe knee injury.
Different types of arthritis can lead to the knee joint. Osteoarthritis is a condition in which there is degenerative joint disease occurs that affects mostly middle-aged and older adults, may lead to the breakdown of joint cartilage and adjacent bone in the knees. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause swelling/inflammation of the synovial membrane and results in excessive synovial fluid, which can lead to pain and stiffness. Arthritis, Traumatic arthritis due to injury can also lead to damage to the cartilage of the knee.
The goal of knee replacement surgery is to remodeling/resurface the parts of the joints of knee that have been damaged and to relieve pain in knee which cannot be controlled by other treatments.
Reasons for the procedure
Treatment for pain and disability in the knee can be manage with the help of knee replacement surgery. This is a most common condition which can results in the need for knee replacement surgery/osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is a disease condition of the joint which is characterized by the breakdown of joint cartilage. In this there is a damage to the cartilage and bones which limits the movement and may lead to pain. Patients who are suffering with severe degenerative joint disease may be are not able to perform normal activities that involve bending at the knee, such as walking or climbing stairs, because they are painful. The knee in this condition can swell/or may be inflammation because the joint is not stable.
Other forms of arthritis that results from a knee injury such as rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis may also lead to degeneration of the knee joint. In case of fractures, and/or torn ligaments, torn cartilage may lead to damage to the knee joint.
If medical treatments are not curing the condition, then the knee replacement surgery can be an effective treatment. Some of the medical treatments for degenerative joint disease may include the following alternatives but are not limited to, these are:
Anti-inflammatory medications
Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate
Pain medications
Limiting painful activities
Assistive devices for walking e.g. cane
Physical therapy
Cortisone injections into the knee joint
Viscosupplementation injections for relieving pain during movements
Weight loss (for obese persons)
There are some other reasons to consult to doctors to recommend a knee replacement surgery.
Risks of the procedure
As with any surgical procedure, complications can occur. There are some possible complications which include the following but are not limited:
Blood clots in the legs or lungs
Loosening or wearing out of the prosthesis
Continued pain or stiffness
The knee joint after the replacement can become loose, be dislodged, may not work properly because it was intended. The joint once treated with the surgery may have to be replaced again in the future.
Blood vessels and nerves in the area of surgery may be injured at the time of surgery and may result in weakness or numbness. The joint pain sometimes cannot be relieved/cured by surgery.
There are many other risks which depends on the specific medical condition. You have to be sure to discuss the concerns with the surgeon prior to the procedure.
Hip replacement which is known as total hip arthroplasty is a type of surgery done to replace a damaged hip joint. In this the surgeon replaces the old joint with an artificial joint which is also called prosthesis.
Different types of arthritis which affect the hip joint:
Osteoarthritis: It is a degenerative disease of joint which may affects mostly the middle-aged/older adults. This can cause due to the breakdown of joint adjacent bone and cartilage in the hips.
Rheumatoid arthritis: This type of arthritis causes inflammation of the synovial lining of the joint. It causes extra synovial fluid. It may lead to severe pain and stiffness.
Traumatic arthritis: This is arthritis is caused by an injury. It may also damage the hip cartilage.
The hip replacement surgery goal is to replace the parts of the hip joint that have been damaged. It also helps to relieve the pain in hip which can’t be controlled by other treatments.
A traditional hip replacement consists of incision as long over the hip joint. A newer approach used to give 1 or 2 smaller incisions to do the surgery. This is also called minimally invasive hip replacement and this procedure is not suited for all people who need a hip replacement then the healthcare provider will provide the best procedure for you.
Hip replacement surgery is done to treat the pain and disability of the hip. Osteoarthritis/inflammation in hip is the most commonly cause for hip replacement surgery.
Some possible complications may include:
Blood clots in the legs or lungs
Need for revision or additional hip surgery
Nerve injury that causes weakness, numbness, or both