e-OPD is an online appointments system with various departments of different Hospitals using identities like Aadhaar number and patient's mobile number which is registered with UIDAI. If mobile number is not registered with UIDAI hospital can use patient's name.
In this new Patient will get an appointment as well as Unique Identification (UHID) number. If Aadhaar number is linked with UHID number, then they generate appointment number and UHID remain same.
Health card that has a QR code and can be printed on the spot and provided to patient. This card can be read at any place connected to Hospital network and the patient’s information can be retrieved.
e-OPD system also comes with the options like appointment scheduler and vital signs screening data.
e-OPD system increases the efficiency and accuracy of the patient registration process and decrease/reduce the patient waiting time.
What is e-OPD?
e-OPD is an online registration services framework portal. Patients can make use of online services such as registration and appointment, pay fees, see diagnostics reports and check for availability of blood.
With this kind of services patients can make an appointment in outpatient department (OPD), lab reports, availability of blood can be checked. It has tranquilized the hardship which is undergone by a patient/person, otherwise has to run from one pillar to another pillar to secure blood during the hospitalization period.
How does e-OPD work?
e-OPD works on Online Registration System (ORS). ORS is an online/ digital system where people can enroll for appointments in hospitals across various districts and states in India. Digital Registration System is implementing in certain organizations where registration and appointments has made through Hospital Management Information System (HMIS).
How to Book an Appointment using e-OPD Portal?
This system helps in booking appointments through online portal in certain hospitals across various different departments. In this patient can book an appointment online.
By using e-OPD patient can know every detail of appointment if (eKYC) data of Aadhaar number and mobile number is registered with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
If the mobile number is not registered with UIDAI, then the system/portal uses patient's name.
Any new patient who is enrolling first time in the system then he/she will get a Unique Health Identification (UHID) number.
In case if the Aadhaar number is linked with UHID number, then the UHID number will remain the same and new appointment generated.
Benefits of e-OPD for Patients
Appointment Process Simplified:
e-hospital system provides online appointment process for the patients. It makes registration process easier in the hospital. Person have to register using Aadhaar number then select the hospital which he/she prefer to visit and then they can select the department and the day/date of appointment. After filling up the whole details person will receive a message with information related to the appointment.
Steps for Securing Appointment Online
Verify yourself using Mobile Number
Choose Hospital / Department
Select the date of appointment
Verify yourself using Aadhaar Number
Get confirmation through SMS
Benefits of e-OPD for hospitals
In recent years e-OPD has become the basic essential of every mid-size or large hospital. This helps in managing clinical records, administrative reports at a safe & secure place and hospital functions.
Paperless Operation
Multi-tasking Support
Patient History at Single Click
Quick Accounting
Scheduling Appointments through SMS
Flexible Reporting System
Clinical Management
Cost-effective & Efficient
User-friendly System
Easy Information Sharing